
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The End is Nigh

We always intended to arrive here.  When things looked bleak and depressing, we kept a happy thought and a prayer.  And now, it seems like we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Yesterday, I scheduled our last post-placement visit with our social worker.  The state of Illinois requires three visits after adoptive parents bring a baby home.  When I called to schedule it, I asked if we could do it on July 27th and she said we needed to do it before everything was final.

So, things are winding down.  Before we brought Elijah home, I sometimes didn't think we'd ever get to this point.  Even in February when we were at home with him, six months seemed like a long time away.  But somehow here we are.  The papers will soon all be filed and signed and we will get a birth certificate from Birthmother's home state that says "Elijah Nathan" with our last name and lists Nathan and I as his parents.

It feels strange now that, in a sense, this adoption will no longer be part of our day-to-day lives.  He will officially be our baby and it won't matter how it came to be that way.  (Not that it matters now.)

But in another way, adoption is now part of the fabric of our lives.  It will be our special bedtime story, our long road trip story, our "Mama and Daddy love you so much" story.  Every time we tell it, we will explain how courageous Birthmother was and how very much she loved him. 

But I think we'll have a little party when we  get the official paperwork (or phone call or however the notification process works.)

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