When you look at this picture, you will see a window with a strange fitting into the ceiling and a set of white-ish mini blinds.
And if I ask you to look closer you will still see an ordinary window. That is not your fault, it's just because you don't know the journey this window has been on. When we moved into this house, the window was one of a few that had suffered the strange habits of the occupants before us. Their way of opening a window which stuck or would not otherwise open was to break it. This particular window, on the south wall of what will hopefully soon be the nursery was a jagged piece of glass sitting in its frame when we moved in. There was also a black curtain that looked more like a sheet hanging in frront of it, in place of blinds or a normal curtain.
When we knew we were going to be starting the adoption process, I asked Nathan if he could figure out some way of fixing the glass before the home study so that it didn't look so bad. Nathan and his dad took the window out of the wall and sent it to a local construction business who refitted it with new glass and sent it back. Then it sat in our basement for a while, so that Nathan could repaint the outside frame. This past week, Nathan and his dad put it back in place in the wall and even fitted the blinds in there, which had been bought earlier by Nathan's mother. It may just be me that is impressed by all this, but it makes me very, very happy.
Isn't it funny what makes us sooo happy as we age? When my mom got super happy about 4 matching chairs for the kitchen table, I was confused (especially since there were 6 in our family and 2 chairs still didn't match) but I get it now. Those are the kinds of things that make me happy now, fixed windows, blinds, curtains, even a new pillow---hopefully next month, LOL! YAY for the window being fixed and even having blinds!